Autor Tema: Port Royale - Gold, Power and Pirates (Full ISO)  (Leído 3594 veces)

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Port Royale - Gold, Power and Pirates (Full ISO)
« : enero 18, 2006, 02:00:45 pm »


Port Royale is a game about adventure, exploration and seabattles. The depth of play of the trading and economic system is fairly intuitive. However, the ease of trading should not detract from trade being one of the the main driving forces behind the game.

You start out as a simple sailor on a small ship in a local region. At first you will more than likely explore some of the world and trade between towns friendly to each other. The aim is to acquire both gold and status; enough to eventually become a governor yourself.

Over time you will gain the increasing interest and goodwill of other governors. You will be able to further enlarge your riches with the initially simple orders and missions that other governors and townsfolk provide you with.

Your status in society is critical. The higher your reputation, the more you will be able to:

* obtain better prices for goods and ships

* hire more sailors

* gain access to more towns

* build in terms of additional businesses

* receive orders demanding more experienced personel

* amass more wealth

As the game progresses you will become more and more self-sufficient and begin to fight for the interests of your nation: you will rob enemy ships and towns, annexe towns or chase and battle with pirates.

Port Royale can be played to suit an individual gamer’s preferences. After the initial introductory gameplay you can move away from the trading aspects of the game and on to enjoying the game’s adventure, exploration and conquering elements. At first play is weighted approximately 50% towards trade. Later on trade can be reduced if desired, so moving the focus onto adventure and/or warfare.

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